יחד מבורך (עברית למטה) Togetherness 2013-2020
Together is better- עברית בהמשך
There is this undefined something that connect us. To love, to get close, to connect, to share life with another person, a separate entity, Within the family, in friendship and amicably.
Suddenly there is a magic in the air.
It is a secret, an enigma. What is it that links souls into one pulsating unit?
Its all over the world – in Jerusalem, China, Brazil, the U.S.A. and Costa Rica. In Africa and on |the Himalayas as well: a man, a woman – its love; two friends -a boy and a girl – or two boys or men, ortwo girls… women…. That drive to be together.
Either in Sarasota, Florida, U.S.A. or in Yavne'el- Israel, or St amaro market Cachoeira, Salvador Brazil / The Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem Israel/ Kibbutz Shluhot, Israel / Costa Rica / Waikato Lake Queenstown New Zealand / Guizhou region China / Vietnam / London